Monday, October 20, 2008

Ultimate Traveling Spoons Addict

I must admit that I love competition. I love games. I used to deny it, but now I embrace it ... completely. It all started with Settlers of Catan. I kept playing and playing until I could figure out a strategy to beat the guys I play with every time. Yeah...that feels very good. So this past Sunday, after our usually crazy dinner at the Clubhouse (which Jon cooked for us), we decided to play games. Andrea, my cool work friend who has been adopted into "THE GROUP," brought some of her friends. They introduced me to Ultimate Traveling Spoons.

Within a few minutes, the group of friends became a mob of people dashing for the coveted utensil in the next room. The first round was hilarious. I climbed up on the couch to avoid the mass exodus, but Brennen caught my foot and tripped me, causing me to land on Debi. She face planted into the couch. I slipped my foot free of Brennen's grasp and and jumped off the couch over the people sprawled in the hall. Victory was mine...and 8 other people's too. Only David didn't get a spoon...Yes, we kept playing until everyone was worn out...but I have admit...I think I might be an addict.

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