Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My final answer is Volleyball.

I've been hobbling around for about 3 and half weeks on an injured foot. When I'm at work, I don't usually leave my desk. However, I do have to get up to do a couple of things. When I do, I seem to have the same experience. I run into someone I barely know or don't know and they ask, "What happened to your foot." Then I have to stand there on my good foot for a few minutes while they grill me and give me advice which I try to listen to attentively, wishing I could hobble away to a chair. My response is getting to be second nature.
For example, today, I ran into a guy I work with once in awhile. He said 'hi' and instead of responding with 'how are you' or 'hello', I said, "Volleyball." He just started laughing. Yep, he had not even asked about my foot. He admitted he was going to, but I threw him off with my statement.
Serves me right I guess. Volleyball IS my destruction and my love. I can't say how many times, I've injured myself playing volleyball, but is definitely more than five or six times. Yet, I can't seem to give it up. I am paying for it by having to go to physical therapy. The therapy seems to be working though. I can walk with a much less noticeable limp and I get out of my aircast starting tomorrow. I also can drive again starting tomorrow! (I did kind of cheat today and drove myself to therapy.)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanks for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving. I decided to list the top ten things I am grateful for about the actual day.
  1. Turkey--I think Benjamin Franklin was right...the turkey is a magnificent bird...and definitely yummy.
  2. Football -- This keeps my dad interested while I get to just chat with my mom.
  3. Pie--no explanation needed.
  4. No work--Tons of work, but nothing job related. I appreciate the change!
  5. The NAP--Maybe I'm the only one, but I love taking an afternoon nap between the meal and the eating of pie...even if it is only 15 minutes.
  6. Thanks List--I like hearing what my family is grateful for even only for one day.
  7. Cooking--It is a day dedicated to cooking. I feel like I never have time to cook, but here is a whole day to spend in that pursuit.
  8. A day to prepare--I think the eating is storing energy for the next day shopping trip!
  9. Thanksgiving Movie--Traditionally, my mom and I go see a movie...yay!
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."

Sunday, October 26, 2008

No "Jack" about it!!

This is the beginning of many pictures documenting the greatest pumpkin carving event ever conducted at the Clubhouse. Thanks to Eric, who came up with the idea and organized it, we were able to get Bachelor Pad and Clubhouse girls together again...including the fabulous spouses!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is it LUCK or SKILL?

Some may argue that to get 100% on a your accounting quiz that you have barely looked at the material for is just pure luck. Of course, they might just say it is luck because there is no way that accounting is logical and the details can drain the personality out of a person.
However, I did just get a 100% and I've definitely got a personality and only a little numbers logic. It probably helps that I prayed and that I work with the "Finance Guys" at work. Terminology is what gets me but I can add and subtract. I think however, it was luck that the questions were all number based...so maybe it was luck and skill.
Going on though, Kelli Post and I were playing racquetball a little while ago. She commented that she thinks that when women make a great kill, they usually respond, "That was luck." She further stated that men usually respond to a great shot with something along the lines of "THAT WAS SKILL" and flex or something equally as manly. So I'm curious...I wonder if I could get a grant from someone to study if this really is a gender differential or if it is something else entirely. Maybe I could even run a multiple regression model from my beginning Statistics course...oh...I better stop before this sounds like a completely viable idea...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ultimate Traveling Spoons Addict

I must admit that I love competition. I love games. I used to deny it, but now I embrace it ... completely. It all started with Settlers of Catan. I kept playing and playing until I could figure out a strategy to beat the guys I play with every time. Yeah...that feels very good. So this past Sunday, after our usually crazy dinner at the Clubhouse (which Jon cooked for us), we decided to play games. Andrea, my cool work friend who has been adopted into "THE GROUP," brought some of her friends. They introduced me to Ultimate Traveling Spoons.

Within a few minutes, the group of friends became a mob of people dashing for the coveted utensil in the next room. The first round was hilarious. I climbed up on the couch to avoid the mass exodus, but Brennen caught my foot and tripped me, causing me to land on Debi. She face planted into the couch. I slipped my foot free of Brennen's grasp and and jumped off the couch over the people sprawled in the hall. Victory was mine...and 8 other people's too. Only David didn't get a spoon...Yes, we kept playing until everyone was worn out...but I have admit...I think I might be an addict.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So I just ended my relationship with the guy I've been dating. You know that it is good thing you ended it when you feel so happy it is over!!!! I feel free to do things with my friends and not feel guilty anymore. I decided to go out last night with Brennen, Jen, Chris, Andy and Dawn to a corn maze. SO MUCH FUN! But the night got even better...We went to Denny's afterwards for Botttomless Hot Chocolate!! Chris and I waltzed through the aisle and Brennen and I cha cha'ed later. So much fun! I love people and hopefully we entertained those around us. Chris also picked up my tab...see not all men are clueless. Everyone should try it sometime...randomly dancing in a public place (with nice partner of course)!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sick is a terrible feeling

So I had a lot of time to think while I was sick, but did I use it. Nope I was so sick that it hurt to try to even think about thinking...but I did watch a lot of TV on the internet. I watched old TGIF shows, like Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Some may think that is pathetic. I think it is nostalgic. Really, wouldn't it be nice to have a show that is just upbeat and CLEAN like that! I mean, really! I loved not ever worrying whether there was going to be "spicy" scene...etc. Just good CLEAN fun. It was really hard to find anything on TV itself that was clean. Thank goodness for the Disney channel or I would have been groaning more and annoying my roommates more.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life in the PMBA fast lane

I didn't think my life could get any busier...I mean work and my social life. However, life has gotten into hyper drive and I LOVE IT!!! School is fabulous and now I am going to be part of the Student Association. Yeah, I'm crazy, but I'm lovin' every moment of it! I'm so glad I'm doing this!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Well, I started my pre-req courses for the Pr MBA program at the U. My professor is just funny. He makes 3 hour class fly by and makes the Math understandable to a person like me.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Decision I've made

Well, I'm still trying to convince myself to study for the GMAT. It is so much more fun to do anything else! Running, watching a movie...reading a fabulous book. What can I say? Studying hasn't ever been a strong point for me. Put me on a project and I just can't stop...prepare for a test.............well, you get the idea. But I refuse to be beaten by my own inability to like studying. I like to study for History tests... My reward after all this is done on March 31, 2008 is a book and a hike!

I also have to sit down and write the essays...maybe I should be thinking about that and not writing here.